They call me Complete Remission

Not even kidding.  Below are the scans. The one on the left is me riddled with cancer in February -the one on the right is  me today in complete remission. This doesn't mean I am cured - it just means that after two cycles of treatment we saw "a diminution of the seriousness or intensity of disease or pain; a temporary recovery."  

So now we go for the cure. Note - there is nothing going on in the brain (joke intended), nothing going on in the spine and nothing going on in the lymph nodes.  Yes, we have no cancer.  Even the doc was a little surprised at how well my body responded to the treatment. 

For all those who worked so hard to keep my spirits up - it worked. To the prayer warriors around the country who kept lifting us up in your prayers - it worked.  Team Saba has a huge victory today and we thank you all. 

We are still going in for Chemo #3 but it got delayed since my body has not fully recovered from all the other crap that has been pumped into it. But hopefully this means we can lighten up a little. 

Lots of tears of joy in the hospital - seriously the sweetest words in the English language are complete remission.  

You think I was cocky before - my team kicked cancers ass in just 8 weeks bitches!!


  1. Congratulations David! That is phenomenal news and I couldn't be happier for you!!!!

  2. David -- OMG -- WOW!! I am so happy for you! You have been in my prayers.
    Stay strong -- Kim & Doug Granlund

  3. Ho. Ly. Shit!! Phenomenal news!! 💪🏻👏🏻🙌🏻


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