Biopsy complete

So the nurses aid came in at 4:45 to give me a sponge bath - though she had me do my own private parts  - even though I am perfectly capable of taking a shower before the biopsy. I got a new gown and change the sheets.  Then she left and said no drinking or eating - I'm thinking she is prepping me for a 6:00 AM biopsy - nope! It's not until 8:00.  They really don't want you to sleep here.

And of course it's a hospital so I didn't actually leave until 9:30 - but that gave Dr, Heyne my Oncologist time to swing by and tell me the scans yesterday looked pretty good except the lymph nodes were pretty messed up but there's a lot worse things than lymphoma (warning -the down is coming so don't get to happy at this point).

Yay - I can kick lymphoma pretty quickly and easily.  Lee asks - but what about the bone stuff??  Shoot - didn't ask was so happy about the good news for a change.  No blood clot in the brain and just lymphoma and I can probably leave today.

Went down for biopsy - which was a piece of cake after the novacane - even though they were jabbing large needles in my crotch for tissue samples.  They get the samples and I head back to the room.

Once in the room the nuerologist and a 120 interns come in the room to tell me me skull is getting thin in spots because of the cancer (back down to myeloma - thanks a lot fellas). We see pics of my gorgeous brain which by all accounts is one of the best brains the 121 neurology people have ever seen.  They do not chuckle at my "so I should get a helmet?" joke.  They must have been up late.

So now we wait for Dr. Heyne (it's Hey-knee not Hi-knee ya weirdos). And find out what is next. Meanwhile we still have our appt at MD Anderson on Thursday - don't know what to do about that. 

To top it all off they sent the substance abuse counselor up to talk to me (can't make this up) because I said I had 6 glasses of wine a week. She wanted to make sure I didn't have a problem and that she would be there for me to help me quit.  I said thank you but hadn't had a drop since I couldn't see straight on a daily basis without booze

Will we get out?  What is next?  Stay tuned - it takes 2-3 days for the biopsy results.


  1. Hey knee is not how I'm going to be reading that. Its "Hi knee" to me!


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