The battle starts today
And so it begins. The battle starts today - every day from now on we beat the cancer that has somehow creeped into my bones. We are 100% focused on winning - and when I get focused -shit happens.
So how did we get here -
Early December started noticing a lot of pain in my right hip area. Being 58, thought it was muscle issues. Wife tells me I don't stretch enough, I yell back, I'm stretching. But the pain doesn't go away and the hip is weak. I am having trouble standing on that right side when I put on my left sock.
We had our doctor here in Houston but we could never get in to see her so I wanted to switch doctors and felt like this hip issue was a good a time as any.
We had our doctor here in Houston but we could never get in to see her so I wanted to switch doctors and felt like this hip issue was a good a time as any.
So I made the appointment for mid December based on the recommendation of Linley, my amazing co-worker, with a Methodist group doctor. Yay me -went to the doctor!! He is puzzled but sends me to get an X-ray on the hips. Word comes back through their very cool MyRecord online that I have osteoarthritis in both hips and my lower back. Problem identified, physical therapy ordered and I can fix this.
PT goes well, get the exercises and start the real work in January. But January 1st I wake up and the pain in my right hip is excruciating - as I reach down I realize there is pretty significant lump on my right side where the thigh hits the crotch. Don't remember a lump. It's creepy - doesn't seem attached to anything. Gives me the heebee jeebees
Freaked out, I head to the emergency doc in the box down the street and get right in. I was worried that there would be the walking dead on New Years day heading to the same place with injuries from a raucous new years eve - but got right in. Told her about the arthritis and let her feel my lump. She goes to feel the lump and her eyes get really big - "thats a big lump". Yes I know - it's like a third testicle that sprung out of nowhere. She gives me a prescription for steroids for the arthritis and says to make sure I go see my doctor for the lump.
Luckily I had an annual check up scheduled the next week - so I think I am good. But during the week some strange shit starts happening. I feel like I have a sinus infection - lots of pain - and suddenly start getting this weird double vision and my neck hurts. Also periodic sharp pain in my left lower molar - really why I thought I had a sinus infection. Really odd. I start taking all kinds of sudafed and aspirin but it doesn't really help. Crap. Feel awful.
Get to the doctor and he gives me prescription for z pack to get rid of sinus infection but says - I think something might be wrong with your neck. Also feels the lump - eyes get real big - that's a big lump - yes I am familiar with the size of the lump. Arranges ultrasound for the lump and referral to the surgeon.
See the surgeon and his intern - they check the lump and with the familiar eye brow raise and "thats a big lump" - tell me I need an MRI because the lump is too close to the femoral artery and who wants to nick that big boy.
Now the neck pain and double vision is getting worse. I am burning up the interwebs trying to find out why and get a heating pad and Tens machine to try and get it fixed. Get a massage. Nothing is working so I email the doc and tell him he is right about the neck - something ain't right. Suddenly the left side of my chin goes numb - like shot with novacaine numb - and I ask if maybe while I am lying down in the MRI they could just go ahead and scan the whole body - not just the lump.
He agrees and modifies the order - when I beat this thing, this will be a critical take charge step by me - because this gets the ball rolling fast.
People remark that I am looking good -losing weight. Suddenly realize I am not eating that much. Interweb searches on numb chin are not good - hideous marker for cancer - but mainly breast cancer. I got some ok man boobs so I look up how to check - no lumps. But it could be in the lymph as well. So feeling good at the MRI.
So we go to the MRI on Tuesday and it is a full scan. They got the new MRI with extra cool whiz bang and they do a regular and then with the IV fluid in my arm. They finish around noon and say I should hear by tomorrow.
At 3:30 I get the call from my Doc - could you come to the office and chat - fuck. I go and he tells me it is not good. I have multiple lesions on my bones which is cause the pain. All up and down the spine, the hips etc. Multiple myeloma is mentioned and need to get to an oncologist right away.
When I call he Methodist oncologist they say hey can't get me in for a month. But when they review my MRI results they get me in on Monday. I fill out the new patient form for MD Anderson - the cancer pros - they call me immediately - when they see the results they get me in on Thursday. So we got that part working. Getting two opinions on what next in the same weak. What now bitches!
Glad we selected MD Anderson - this little gem was sent to me be Pete - publications/cancerwise/why-i- chose-a-phase-ii-multiple- myeloma-clinical-trial.h00- 159145245.html
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