This is Spinal Tap!

Most people get a 10 spinal tap - I got an 11. Actually called a Lumbar Puncture but where's the fun in that.  And I have to admit that sounds bad - who wants their lumbar punctured.

Anywho - sorry about the semi depressing post yesterday - got a little overwhelmed by the enormity of the task at hand for a few hours.  Plus the exhaustion -but a friend reminded me that thank God we live here with MD Anderson who can make all that happen in just two days.

Felt really good this morning.  I know so many of you have put me in your prayers and thoughts -and I can/t help but believe when I wake up feeling good that it is those thoughts and prayers giving me that much needed boost -so thank you for that. Love you all.

So we are set for tomorrow - LET THE CHEMO BEGIN!

We check in with the amazing Dr. Fowler at 1:30 PM and get the full and final diagnosis -hopefully know what is going on in my skull - and then move forward with the treatment.  Should be a 5 day hospital stay, followed by 16 days off - then another 5 day stay.  If my brain is compromised (many who know me would say yes) then I actually have to come back at day 11 for two days in the hospital.

So I will get to know the hospital well - those great smells and constant sounds - so relaxing.  Can't wait.  Great food at every meal!!  So cool!

Got books, just got some audio books and looking forward to kicking back for 5 days and just letting the poison eat that cancer!

More to come - - -


  1. Gotta love your ‘tude, cuz. You got this! 💪🏻 Try not to drive the hospital staff nuts 😉

  2. It's definitely a huge journey you and your family are going through, but absolutely will conquer. Thoughts and prayers to all of you as you go through this. Thanks for keeping all of us updated and with you on this journey.


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