A new day

Didn't sleep all that great last night - but still better than in the hospital so I will take it.  The main thing is that I feel pretty damn good this morning.  I have a log (of course I do - I'm Navy dammit) of each day and when I got out of the hospital the last time, I was still really nauseated and kind of miserable the first day out.

But this morning, not too shabby. One of the Lymphomites that we met said his body seemed to adjust and it got easier as he progressed and he was going on #5.  Let's hope that is the way my awesome bod will respond.

Went for a long walk with the pups. Sunny and 60 degrees  - just a spectacular walk. I can honestly say that I will forever appreciate the little things like that a lot more now.

Getting caught up at work and letting my white cells build back up so I can join the ranks of the living next week.

But damn it feels good to feel god.


  1. Nothing like a walk with the pups to cure what ails a godly lymphomite with an awesome bod! Glad you had a good day. Fight on.


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