Cards Make a Difference

So a combined thank you to all of you for the many (over 60 so far) cards that I have received since the odyssey began.  We have this small family room with shelves that I can sit here and look at all the cards and laugh. 

This is what over 60 cards look like.  Really can't thank you enough. Definitely gives me a daily lift. Plus the family and friends have a rotating picture frame with all our pictures.  Also a huge lift.

Heading back for Round #2 shortly - blood work then check in to my room for the next 6 days.  But when you know the chemo is working and you feel good and you know so much better how you will respond - gotta say I am ready to go!!

Really didn't know how much of a control freak I was (cut to everyone who knows me probably laughing) - but the whole not knowing and not being able to find out much about the 5 day process was very annoying.  So now I know.  Day 1 and 2 will be great with the steroid lift - have to fight constipation from day 1 and day 3 the nausea hits so take the nausea meds before it hits this time. 

Ready to fight.  Having the family here before hand was the absolute biggest lift. Ready to fight in round #2. 


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