Ginger ale to the rescue

On the nausea front - just a hideous day - tried zolfram followed by composin but neither really worked.  Nurse says to try ginger ale and remember a guy on a forum saying it saved his butt and he actually wrote to the company telling him that ginger ale probably saved his life.  So, what the heck - sugar be damned - give me the ginger ale.

And it worked.  Felt good in about an hour. So the combination of all the anti-nausea stuff works. Was finally able to eat.  Lee had brought my go to - a Trader Joe's crunchy no salt almond butter and raspberry sandwich on Dave's bread. So perfect for this occasion.

Also, the timing of everything meant I actually got some good sleep last night - crazy. They came in to get blood at midnight and I was so out of it, I couldn't tell her my name and birth date when she asked. All the blood work came back good - so nothing there to hold up discharge. The nurse made sure they came at midnight instead of the usual 4:00 am so they could adjust something if need be and still get me out of here at noon. Such an amazing team.

So - hopefully out of here today. Still have to come back for blood work tomorrow as well as a quick spinal, but - at least I will be home!!  Fingers crossed.


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