High Dose Cowboy
Oh yeah - handling the high dose methotrexate pretty well so far. Finished up another rituxan and the HDMTX at about 4:00 this morning. Along with some wonderful steroids which make everything feel great again. My head had started to hurt a lot in the front from the lesions -but the drug cocktail I had last night definitely makes everything feel great!
So now it is a race to get the MTX out of my system - as soon as I am below 0.1 ppm in my blood I am out of here. And how do we get it out - WE PEE!! Old guys rule in the frequent urination world!
Already went for walk number 1. Still have the little fucker with me to deliver more fluids and make sure my urine PH stays on track. MTX can trash the kidneys with crystals so they pump you full of stuff to make sure that doesn't happen.
Got my coffee and waiting on breakfast. But any day you feel good is a great day during treatment. So far it's a great day. I am sure the worse is coming around the corner - but I will take it!!
So now it is a race to get the MTX out of my system - as soon as I am below 0.1 ppm in my blood I am out of here. And how do we get it out - WE PEE!! Old guys rule in the frequent urination world!
Already went for walk number 1. Still have the little fucker with me to deliver more fluids and make sure my urine PH stays on track. MTX can trash the kidneys with crystals so they pump you full of stuff to make sure that doesn't happen.
Got my coffee and waiting on breakfast. But any day you feel good is a great day during treatment. So far it's a great day. I am sure the worse is coming around the corner - but I will take it!!
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