I was right.

Obviously this is all very complex and I write stuff down to remember everything the doctors and nurses are saying about all this treatment, timing, chemicals, side effects etc.  It's way too much.  But on timing - I am pretty maniacal about keeping track about what they say.

So they said I would get a scan right before chemo #3 so we could see how I was doing. Since there is obviously a lot riding on how I am doing I marked this down. Well the appointment comes through and it is set for right after I think we would have chemo #3.  So I shoot an email asking if this is a mistake or maybe they are moving chemo #3 later.

No word back from the medical team but the appointment just moved to having the MRI on the brain April 10th and the full PET scan on April 11 with Chemo #3 set for the 12th. So I was right - it is before, not after chemo #3.

So - when I say you have to constantly stay on your toes and ask questions - you really do.

We especially want to see what's going on in the brain - we are doing the mid course Methotrexate and the spinals because they were so worried about brain cancer or central nervous system issues.  They could not tell if there was brain cancer at the time, but the lesions on my skull were obviously big enough to create that concern. It will be good to have some idea on what is going on up there and what we should do going forward.

Also - I lit the PET scan up like a Christmas tree with all the cancerous lymph nodes - since I can't feel any more lymph nodes, can't wait to see that.

Right now the only annoyance is the Zarxio.  This is the time after chemo that my blood cells hit a low - and the Zarxio brings it back. But with some very lovely side effects like bone aches, fatigue, jaw hurts a little - so I go from feeling great in the morning like a normal person and then about 3 hours after the shot - a little blah - but not near as bad as the chemo.

Everything has a side effect. But some serious great hoops to watch and we got stuff done at the beach getting ready to rent.  Had a great walk on the beach with the pups and Lee and eating like a normal person. So - not at all bad.


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