My team is just amazing

I cannot say enough about the nurses and the staff here at MD Anderson. They are truly amazing and work so hard to make sure we are getting better and staying comfortable. It is overwhelming at times - but we are working on the nausea, adding different drugs -they make sure we understand everything and what is happening at all times. When I was getting the spinal yesterday, the nurse held my hand - it was such a compassionate moment - means a lot. Going through hell surrounded by angels.

Interesting thing yesterday. I am a twitcher when I sleep.  People who have sat next to me have no doubt seen me do a full spaz out after falling asleep on the airplane.  It's funny to watch.

Unless you fall asleep in the middle of your spinal and do a little twitch and freak the hell out of everyone in the room.  Important safety tip - don't go fall off a ladder in your sleep in the middle of a spinal.

Don't know if it is the situation or the chemicals but I am definitely a lot more weepy now - all the messages, prayers, cards and texts - are so amazing that I tear up a lot more than I ever did. Don't really care - I can cry and gain great strength at the same time.

Life is better today - will take it. The problem solving engineering is pinning it on the evil Rituxin as the cause of the nausea.  Will see.  But narrowing in on cause, effect and solution.

Peace - between our board of director call, work, tunes a puzzle and walking - boredom mostly averted.


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