And now a great weekend

On top of the great news on Friday, we also got the news that my blood count was too low for chemo.  So we got some Zarxio and go inject the stomach all weekend and try again on Monday. I must admit that after the great news and feeling pretty good that a weekend off of no hospital was exactly what I wanted.

So we stay at home and give it another go on Monday - will be the 6 days in the hospital for chemo #3!  I think we need to push for no more mid-course methotrexate since there are no brain issues and it keeps pushing back the standard chemo.

I did look up what it means to go in remission early - and I am sure my 15 minutes of googling will be invaluable to my doctor who is an expert in his field, has med school and 15 years experience - but it does say that chemo usually goes 2 sessions past remission to make sure you clean up the cells.

So I am hoping for a shorter sentence.  But at this point I don't care.

Also, interesting that a high school classmate who is a minister pointed out that the I think I neglected to credit science and the medical team in my exuberance on Friday.  Let me be absolutely clear that it is because my medical team brought nuclear weapons to a knife fight that we are in remission. Pretty sure that the R-EPOCH was developed by MD Anderson and tested from 2003-2012 to treat double hit lymphoma.

So if you are reading this and you get cancer you are coming to MD Anderson - they are the best as evidence by my treatment.  Don't mess this up - get the best.  And they are the best in all areas (except diet - more on that later)

Preventing the brain and spine cancer and just dosing me with everything I could take was pure genius as well. It was really difficult - but you don't argue with results.

My doctor is travelling this week again so we didn't get to meet with him.  We will meet with him after chemo #3 and set a new course for the cure!


  1. Don't forget your attitude had a big part in your remission too. They were able to douse you with all those drugs because of your can do attitude. You rocked it!


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