Not packing the suitcase

Last time we had the brain chemo, we were waiting for the MTX number to get under 0.1 and hit 0.15 and thought we would be out that afternoon and were devastated when the test came back and I was only 0.12 and had to stay the night. Even had the suitcase packed and sitting by the door ready to go home.  Not a happy camper at all.

But this time with the sumo mantra by my side, my first number was 0.75 - consulting the log, my first number last time was a whopping 1.5. (so that's half for the math challenged). BUT I ain't packing no suitcase to jinx it today. I get another test at 2:00 PM and we will see if maybe the new routine shortens the visit.

So I pushed the walk today - walked faster and longer, did another round with the sumo band and sit-ups which is a lot more of a work out then I did before.  This will be the test. The workout makes me drink more as well which of course makes for many trips to pee in my tiny receptacles so they can measure my input and output.  Always fun.

Great basketball to watch yesterday - so that made the evening fly by.  The food here is just not good so Lee brought me a Jersey Mike sub which hit the spot. Going to have to do that more often - nothing here is that appetizing I hate to say.

So everyone put 0.1 in your minds so I can get out of here and get 4 nights at home before chemo #3 - the half way point!


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