A little slower today

Checked in with our care team prior to tomorrow to make sure I had the complete plan. They never really covered the plan with us - it just got kind of assumed.  And the plan remains the plan - no changes.
  • 2 more chemos
  • 2 more brain chemos
One  my friends said he guesses it like an antibiotic. Doesn't matter when you feel better, you take the whole thing to make sure you kill it all.  So 20 more days in the hospital. That's the tough part - certainly better than what I was looking at from the beginning.

I am a little more tired today and the mouth is really dry (pre-sore type stuff). So doing all my daily stuff to rally out of this before brain chemo on Friday.  Still eating and doing everything else - including walking the pups and did a lot for work today. Always a good feeling.

Time for a nap.


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