And so it goes

So now that I have stopped obsessing about the chemo and kept my focus on life and living, I am certainly a lot better off.  Man I was in a rough place. Just totally focused on the downside of chemo and had a hard time breaking out.

It is what it is and I am just dealing with it and not worrying about it.  Back with a smile and the great attitude again. Feeling so much better. 

The other thing I was doing was spending too much time looking on the web at things associated with the cancer I had. Not good - lots of bad things out there that could have happened that started to mess with the my head.

Head back on straight. I am cured.  I am moving forward and smiling.  A little nausea but I don't care.  Resting and taking it in stride. Methotrexate is leaving my system and should be gone by Tuesday morning like always.

Had my mom and sister here for the weekend which was a huge boost to the morale and focus on the right things.  And some great relief for Lee to have some help.  After so many visits to the hospital she got a break to be normal and do things at the house for the weekend.

On my walk this morning (yes still doing 2 miles a day) - I saw this motivational flag in the hallway - so true.


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