Day 3 - doing alright

So yesterday was great.  My list is so long of daily stuff that it does pass the time.  I had just finished my walking and for the first time I did my deep breathing outside here at the hospital.  They don't have many good places outside for patients with fuckers (IV machines) but there is one bench. It was occupied by another patient. This is rare - no one but me goes outside.  So I just stood there near the entrance and did my deep breathing.  I am using the Calm app to do this and the meditation.

So apparently Dr. Fowler - our awesome doc - has the rounds today and sees me on the way in. Tells me later, I saw you but didn't want to break your meditation.  Pretty funny.  When he makes the rounds, he brings 3 other docs that are shadowing him because he is the man.  He says - I showed them your scans including the MRI - and he still nods his head and says "Man, that was crazy" - all the other docs nod their heads too.

Another reminder of how close to really bad outcomes we were. Any wrong move in January and February and jeez. It was truly crazy. Had some great visitors today who I saw just before the diagnosis and she was reliving that day and said - there was something definitely not right - but who knew it was that bad.

So a little nausea yesterday. Getting a spinal today - I mean why not - just keep pummeling those cancer cells.

Started to get the first signs of neuropathy in my left finger tips and thumb. This is another part of this chemo regimen. It is a numbness and tingling in the fingers. This may cause them to adjust the chemo strength - but since it is just in the tips of my fingers now, they are going to hold off as long as possible.  Exercise is supposed to help which is why it is probably not near as bad as it could be since I continue to exercise.  I have heard acupuncture can help - but I am not going to a doctors office until I am out of the woods of catching something.  I am basically staying out of public places for the next 8 weeks.  Too risky. We are too close to the end to catch something.

So onward with no adjustments. Keep fighting the good fight and saying - I am cancer free!


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