Shorts and Paint

So you don't always realize what my be affecting your psyche. Something as simple as shorts.  I have been feeling a little bad about the weight loss.  The other day Lee finally had it. I had lost some weight before this whole debacle so my shorts were not quite fitting right.  Last week we went to walk the dogs and I put my phone in my shorts pocket, walked down the steps and my shorts fell down to my knees.  She went out and bought a bunch of mediums to replace the larges.

And I immediately felt so much better about myself.  I had felt like I was wasting away and looking like most cancer patients and I felt really bad about it. Wearing shorts that fit and seeing that I actually look like I should and this weight is actually my ideal weight made me feel really good about myself.  Felt a little stupid - but it is amazing what will make you feel good during this journey.

And the staff is amazed with my painting. My cousin got me a very involved, very detailed, adult paint by number set.  It is pretty awesome and everyone now has to come in and see progress.  It does take your mind off things and I like it.  We will see if I have the patience to see it through.  But I got started!

And a long discussion with Doc Fowler on the issue of not many outdoor areas to meditate and get fresh air/sun as well as no real place to get exercise.  It may actually get something done as he got pretty fired up that we are all supposed to be doing these things and he is a firm believer in walking, sun, fresh air and meditation - but they don't anything to encourage it.  A committee may be in my future.

A little nausea today - got a board call this morning and doing prep work for that and they need to try some different nausea meds.  Tried to give me blood thinners again which I declined.  Don't know how that keeps popping up on the charges.  The bags got hung at 5:30 so we are on track for a Saturday morning discharge -no random long bags throwing off the chemo bag change which is nice. 


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