The first time

After I got home yesterday I realized it was the first time that someone on our care team at the hospital talked about post - chemo life.  She said only two more -then about 21 days after that chemo you will think you will be feeling great.  But by August/September, you will remember what feeling great was really all about.

Didn't dawn on me until later that we are finally talking about a post-chemo world. It just seems all we do is focus on now and the latest side effects I have to battle that we forgot that the post-chemo world is finally coming. It is still 39 days away from the final day of chemo. But getting there.

Yesterday was definitely different. After feeling so good on Monday I guess I was kind of shocked to get slowed down a little, have trouble with fatigue and a constipation. But today back on track and feeling solid.

So we move on. We visualize August and September feeling great and try not to focus on the next chemo run. 


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