The Veteran next door

We have a great next door neighbor.  We are both cancer survivors.  They say that you are a cancer survivor the day of your diagnosis because every day after that you have survived with cancer.  He is also a Veteran and has been going to the VA for his treatment.

We just found out, on this Memorial Day weekend, that his cancer has rapidly spread and they do not give him long to live.  We have passed each other often over the last few months on the way to various treatments. We compare our side effects like the warriors we are. We have helped each other.  I bring his garbage cans in and out and if I see he has not picked up his newspapers I bring them to his door so he doesn't have to walk far.

I am deeply saddened to learn his cancer spread and I can tell you it knocks you in the gut when you have cancer.

His cancer was too aggressive. The VA operated and took it out of his back and he had a horrible time in recovery. And even before he could heal it was back in his shoulder.  He was too weak for chemo so it spread to his organs. 

But we don't say he lost his battle with cancer. He battled like a true hero and kept it at bay to enjoy his children, grand children and even great grand children. And he battles on until he dies from cancer.

It is easy to get mad at the VA. They could have sent him to MD Anderson earlier - they finally let him go yesterday which is when even they said there was nothing they could do. But it doesn't help to get mad. 

Just pray for comfort for him and his family.  He deserves it and so much more for his service to his country.

We are reminded again of how lucky and blessed we are in this battle. Take nothing for granted.


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