Wow. Best I have felt in a long while

Cannot believe what a great day it is. Slept well and then went for a long walk with the pups and Lee for mother's day. Then sat out front in and read the paper.  Did my daily routine and just feel good. No nausea. No fatigue. No mouth sores. And it's the day after chemo.  Crazy good.

Also - decided to stop being stupid worrying about chemo 5 and 6 which were stressing me out because I "heard they were bad".  But then I breeze through 4. And met a lady yesterday who is older and had more complications than me and still not in remission who was just finishing 5 and was doing 5.

So I choose to believe I got this shit down and the daily thang is going not only kick cancer but kick chemo's butt.  I am I seriously haven't felt this good for so long. It is just nice.

We are going to ride bikes down and get ice cream here shortly. Hope ya'll have a great Mother's day as well!!


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