Just spent

Got out yesterday and got home. But my body is just done. So tired -  just going to rest today and get ready for next week. Finally get to help my white blood cells etc with some zarxio and that will hopefully help the mouth sores that are brutal in my cheeks - but not as bad as last time.  I have a odd pain in my foot, dry eyes and just tired. And of course need to poop.

Yay chemo. Hate that methotrexate and so glad it is finally done - my body can't take any more of it.

And I know I am still better than so many more people that have gone before me and I will start perking up tomorrow. And my attitude is great - just my body is so spent right now.

But I got to read the paper sitting in our rocker out front listening to the fountain - and it was awesome. And I get to sit with the pups and enjoy their company on the couch today. Also - much better than the other options.

So - we will get through this to the other side. They moved my blood work appointment to Monday (up from Tuesday) - no doubt to check the kidneys and figure out what we are doing next week.  No idea - we shall see on Monday.

Resting and relaxing -


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