Blood work good again

All is well in my blood again.  And the numbers keep getting better. While my hemoglobin and red count are still a little low, they crept ever so closer to the good range. And those damn creatinines kept going down at the right pace - and should be in the good range by next week.

So all in all more good news. Next week is the big week with my MRI and PET scan on the 17th followed by the doc on the 18th.

I ran into a guy who was a step ahead of me on the double hit lymphoma party. He had is first scan after chemo 3 and still had just a bit of cancer left in his lymphs at that scan. He just found out that it kept growing after that scan and even though he is down with chemo, he has to go for another fight. They are debating T cell or Stem Cell. Prayers for him.

And of course that scares the hell out of me as well. But my scans were clean so we should be good to go. But will be saying a few extra prayers myself.


  1. You keep pounding ahead and we'll keep you on the prayer list bro!


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